Easy to Use

Easy to Use
  • ASP/ VBScript based software comes with full source code.
  • No additional components needed for core functions.
  • Runs on IIS 4.0/5.0/6.0 and PWS with Database support for MS Access 2002, SQL Server 7.0/2000/2005.
  • Built-in support for 5 of the most popular eMail components.
  • Database based cart, from start to finish.
  • Admin tool comes with several troubleshooting tools to help novice users track down web server configuration errors.
  • Skinnable design allows for enormous flexibility in changing the look and feel of your store, without impacting future upgrades.
  • Customizable language for the front-end of your store allows you to present the front-end to your customers in the language of your choice.
  • Customizable currency for the front-end of your store allows you to present the front-end in the currency of your choice.
  • User Roles – User roles allow you to set exactly who is allowed access to what in the administration. Predefined roles are Admin, customer, wholesaler, and Customer Service Representative (CSR)
Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa